Runtime iframe interface

This page describes how the offerwall settings can be overwritten in the iframe during runtime with iframe post messages.

In order to customize the offerwall during runtime, the iframe post messages can be used. It is to note that this will only overwrite what can be seen in the iframe and not the offerwall settings on the dashboard.


To change offerwall settings you can simply call the postMessage function on the iframe with a valid message.

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
      function sendMessage() {
        const iframe = document.querySelector('#frame');
        iframe.contentWindow.postMessage({ target: 'app.visual.dark.background_color', value: '#FF0000' }, '*');
    <button onclick="sendMessage()">Send Message</button>
    <iframe id="frame" src=""></iframe>

Available Messages

A valid message has to be an object with the following properties:

  • target string - The target of the message.
  • value any - The value of the message.

If you send a message with an invalid target or value, the setting will not be applied, and you will receive a console warning.

app.modifier.themestring, must be either light or darkSwitches between light and dark mode
app.visual.custom_logo_urlstringChanges the brand logo of the offerwall
app.visual.dark.background_colorstring, valid Hex color e.g. #000000 or valid linear gradient e.g. linear-gradient(90deg, #000000 0%, #FFFFFF 100%)Changes the background color in dark mode
app.visual.dark.branding_colorstring, valid Hex color e.g. #000000 or valid linear gradient e.g. linear-gradient(90deg, #000000 0%, #FFFFFF 100%)Changes the branding color in dark mode
app.visual.dark.interaction_colorstring, valid Hex color e.g. #000000Changes the interaction/secondary color in dark mode
app.visual.dark.navigation_colorstring, valid Hex color e.g. #000000 or valid linear gradient e.g. linear-gradient(90deg, #000000 0%, #FFFFFF 100%)Changes the navigation color in dark mode
app.visual.light.background_colorstring, valid Hex color e.g. #000000 or valid linear gradient e.g. linear-gradient(90deg, #000000 0%, #FFFFFF 100%)Changes the background color in light mode
app.visual.light.branding_colorstring, valid Hex color e.g. #000000 or valid linear gradient e.g. linear-gradient(90deg, #000000 0%, #FFFFFF 100%)Changes the branding color in light mode
app.visual.light.interaction_colorstring, valid Hex color e.g. #000000Changes the interaction/secondary color in light mode
app.visual.light.navigation_colorstring, valid Hex color e.g. #000000 or valid linear gradient e.g. linear-gradient(90deg, #000000 0%, #FFFFFF 100%)Changes the navigation color in light mode
app.visual.hide_reward_valuebooleanHides the reward
general.currency.symbolobject: { content: string; isIcon: boolean }Changes the currency name or symbol displayed. Set isIcon to true, if you want to pass in an image URL.