Instore Merchants Endpoint


This API retrieves a curated list of merchants tied to in-store offers. It accounts for member-specific data and preferences, ensuring the merchant list is targeted and relevant. The merchants returned by this API are filtered based on the offers available, member activity, and other bespoke criteria.

Enhanced Features

  • Adaptive Filtering: It leverages an advanced filtering system that accounts for the latest member activity, such as recently uploaded receipts and offers added to the member's list, to deliver a list that resonates with the user's current shopping behavior.
  • Customized Sorting: Merchants are sorted by a bespoke set of criteria that elevates member favorites and popular or featured stores, ensuring that the most relevant and preferred merchants are highlighted.
  • Comprehensive Merchant Data: Each merchant entry is enriched with detailed information, from offer counts and loyalty account linkage to customized tutorial texts and image URLs, providing a full spectrum of data that can enhance user experience.

Sorting Logic

The API sorts merchants with a multi-tiered logic that prioritizes:

  1. User-favorited merchants, ensuring personalized experiences are at the forefront.
  2. Merchants popular in the user's location, enhancing relevance based on geographical trends.
  3. Featured merchants, highlighting those with special offers or prominence on the platform.
  4. Alphabetical order, providing a systematic and familiar navigation through the merchant list.

HTTP Request

curl \
-X GET \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <token>"

Request Parameters

  • medium (String): Specifies the medium of the offers, either "online" or "instore".
  • getUploadList (Boolean): If true, returns only the merchants associated with offers clipped to the member's list.
  • getRecent (Boolean): If true, returns only the merchants where the member has uploaded receipts recently.


The response is a JSON object containing an array of merchant items. Each InstoreMerchantListItem includes:

Merchant Information Fields

merchantIDintegerThe internal unique identifier for the merchant.
logoUrlstringThe URL to the merchant's logo image.
merchantNamestringThe official name of the merchant.
mediumsarrayThe types of platforms through which the merchant's offers can be accessed.
countryCodesarrayCountry codes for the merchant

Example Response

    "data": \[  
        ... additional merchants  

Sample Instore Merchants Display:

All Merchants

image-20240209-190411.png image-20240209-190620.png

Shop By Merchant

This is after clicking on one merchant and seeing only offers for that merchantID and categoryID
