Callback parameters

Find a comprehensive list of all callback parameters.

Mandatory parameters

[%UID%]StringUnique User Identifier, passed in by publisher. Max. length is 65 characters.
[%VAL%]FloatUser Reward in App Currency. You can configure it in the Currency Settings.
[%RAW%]FloatComplete payment in USD, paid to the publisher.
[%TX%]StringTransaction ID. Use this to prevent double-booking.
&hash=[Hash]StringAlways attached: Hash of the complete URI (HEX encoded SHA-1 HMAC) with the App Secret. We recommend using this to verify your callbacks. Read more about it here.

General parameters

[%APP%]StringReturns the app id of your placement/app.
[%IP%]StringIP Address of the user
[%FSCORE%]StringFraud level of the user for the current callback. One of: GOOD, MEDIUM, BAD

Offer parameters

[%OFFER_ID%]StringID of the completed task's offer. One offer can have many tasks.
[%OFFER_NAME%]StringLocalized name of the offer. Language is equivalent to what the user saw.
[%OFFER_STATE%]StringIt can only be used when using Stateful Offer Callbacks. One of: NONE, COMPLETED, PENDING, RECONCILED.
It isNONE if stateful offer conversion callbacks are disabled (this is the default). If they are enabled, however, it indicates the latest state of the offer conversion.
[%TASK_ID%]StringID of the completed task.
[%TASK_NAME%]StringLocalized name of the task. Language is equivalent to what the user saw.
[%OFFER:TITLE%]StringReturns the anchor name of an offer.
[%OFFER:DELAY%]IntegerReturns the user reward delay in minutes.

Additional parameters for offer ban callbacks

[%BAN_REASON%]StringReturns the reason for a user ban.
[%BAN_STATE%]StringReturns ACTIVE or BANNED.

Survey parameters

[%REASON%]StringExplains the reason for a screenout. It can be one of the following:
NONE: The user faced a screenout during the client survey
ERROR: Something went wrong before the user joined the client survey.
QUALITY: The user faced a screenout due to quality issues
CLICK: The user faced a screenout during the qualification process
[%RAT%]IntegerSurvey Rating from 0 to 5
[%NET%]StringInternal Survey Source/Mediation Layer
[%LOI%]IntegerLength of the Survey in minutes.
[%CAT%]StringCategory of the Survey.
[%COUNTRY%]StringThe Country the User took the survey from as ISO Code. (Example: US, DE, FR)
[%DELAY%]IntegerDelay in seconds for which BitLabs withholds a callback to the publisher. In most cases this is zero.
[%V2SID%]StringUnique survey id returned in /v2/client/surveys endpoint. Only available if new integration API is used.

Magic Receipts parameters

[%MAGIC_RECEIPT_STATE%]StringIt can only be used when using Stateful Magic Receipts Callbacks. One of: COMPLETED, PENDING, RECONCILED, REVIEWING
[%MAGIC_RECEIPT_REASON%]StringReturns the reason why a receipt got rejected or approved.
[%MAGIC_RECEIPT_REASON_ID%]IntegerReturns the id of the reason.