Callback parameters

Find a comprehensive list of all callback parameters.

Mandatory parameters

[%UID%]StringUnique User Identifier, passed in by publisher. Max. length is 65 characters.
[%VAL%]FloatUser Reward in App Currency. You can configure it in the Currency Settings.
[%RAW%]FloatComplete payment in USD, paid to the publisher.
[%TX%]StringTransaction ID. Use this to prevent double-booking.
&hash=[Hash]StringAlways attached: Hash of the complete URI (HEX encoded SHA-1 HMAC) with the App Secret. We recommend using this to verify your callbacks. Read more about it here.

General parameters

[%APP:TOKEN%]StringReturns the token of your placement/app.
[%IP%]StringIP Address of the user
[%REF%]StringReference ID can be used to look up the transaction ID of the COMPLETE or COMPLETED callback.

Offer parameters

[%OFFER_ID%]IntegerID of the completed task's offer. One offer can have many tasks.
[%TASK_ID%]IntegerID of the completed task.
[%OFFER_STATE%]StringIt can only be used when using Stateful Offer Callbacks. One of: NONE, COMPLETED, PENDING, RECONCILED.
It isNONE if stateful offer conversion callbacks are disabled (this is the default). If they are enabled, however, it indicates the latest state of the offer conversion.
[%OFFER_NAME%]StringLocalized name of the offer. Language is equivalent to what the user saw.
[%TASK_NAME%]StringLocalized name of the task. Language is equivalent to what the user saw.
[%OFFER:TITLE%]StringReturns the anchor name of an offer.
[%OFFER:DELAY%]IntegerReturns the user reward delay in minutes.
[%OFFER:TASK:IAP:USD%]FloatThe USD amount of a single in-app purchase of an app.
[%OFFER:TASK:HIDDEN%]IntegerShows if the in-app purchase event was visible to the user or not: 0 when the event is visible, 1 when it's hidden.
[%OFFER:TASK:TYPE%]IntegerShows which type of offer callback it is as a number: 1 for install, 2 for event 3 for in-app purchase and 4 for time played events (e.g. "Play 5 days in a row").

Additional parameters for offer ban callbacks

[%BAN_REASON%]StringReturns the reason for a user ban.
[%BAN_STATE%]StringReturns ACTIVE or BANNED.

Survey parameters

[%REASON%]StringExplains the reason for a screenout. It can be one of the following:
NONE: The user faced a screenout during the client survey
ERROR: Something went wrong before the user joined the client survey.
QUALITY: The user faced a screenout due to quality issues
CLICK: The user faced a screenout during the qualification process
[%RAT%]IntegerSurvey Rating from 0 to 5
[%NET%]StringInternal Survey Source/Mediation Layer
[%LOI%]IntegerLength of the Survey in minutes.
[%CAT%]StringCategory of the Survey.
[%COUNTRY%]StringThe Country the User took the survey from as ISO Code. (Example: US, DE, FR)
[%V2SID%]StringUnique survey id returned in /v2/client/surveys endpoint. Only available if new integration API is used.
[%FSCORE%]StringFraud level of the user for the current callback. One of: GOOD, MEDIUM, BAD

Magic Receipts parameters

[%MAGIC_RECEIPT_STATE%]StringIt can only be used when using Stateful Magic Receipts Callbacks. One of: COMPLETED, PENDING, RECONCILED, REVIEWING
[%RECEIPT:OFFER:ID%]IntegerReturns the offer ID
[%RECEIPT:OFFER:NAME%]StringReturns the offer name
[%RECEIPT:UPLOAD:ID%]IntegerReturns an ID that is associated to an upload
[%RECEIPT:UPLOAD:OFFER:ID%]IntegerReturns the id we give to an offer that the member tried to get awarded for, i.e. if they clicked that this specific offer was on their receipt, and they are attempting to be awarded for it, we create a unique id for this. Or if an offer we are serving matches with an offer on their receipt (without them choosing it), we create an upload offer id for that if they get awarded.
[%MAGIC_RECEIPT_REASON%]StringReturns the reason why a receipt got rejected or approved.
[%MAGIC_RECEIPT_REASON_ID%]IntegerReturns the id of the reason.