Instore Categories Endpoint


This endpoint provides a comprehensive list of in-store categories that Instore Offers are classified under. Categories are a pivotal element of offer organization and presentation:

  • Offers are associated with multiple categories as defined in the Offer Server, which enables categorization for better searchability and filtering.
  • Clients can retrieve offers by category, allowing them to display offers pertinent to a selected category.
  • Each category has a unique name and an associated type, which correspond to specific database tables (prodege.shm_category and prodege.shm_category_type respectively).
  • Categories may be ordered explicitly; if no order is specified, the backend will determine the order dynamically.
  • Only active categories are available for display and operations; inactive categories are excluded from caching and presentation.

The API mirrors the structure and relationships of these categories as they exist in the database, ensuring that clients can retrieve up-to-date and relevant information for displaying offers to end-users. Additionally, it provides the flexibility to manage these categories through an administrative interface, where new categories can be created, existing ones can be edited or updated, and category icons can be uploaded.

HTTP Request

curl \
-X GET \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <token>"

Request Parameters

None required.


The response will be a JSON object containing an array of categories. Each category has the following structure:

Instore Category Object Fields

idintegerThe unique identifier for the category, automatically generated upon creation.
typeIDintegerThe type ID that corresponds to the classification of the category.
orderNumintegerThe specific order in which the category should appear on the front end, visible only to admin views.
namestringThe unique name of the category, displayed on the front end.
urlPngstringThe URL to the PNG icon for the category.
urlSvgstringThe URL to the SVG icon for the category.
adminPrioritizedbooleanIndicates if the category is prioritized by admins and is not ordered dynamically based on member preferences.

Instore Category Type Object Fields

categoryTypeIDintegerUnique identifier for the type of category.
categoryNamestringName of the category type.
descriptionstringDescription of what the category type represents.

Example Response

  "categories": \[  
      "id": 1,  
      "typeID": 1,  
      "name": "All Deals",  
      "url": "<">,  
      "description": "Regular Colored Instore Category"  
      "id": 45,  
      "typeID": 2,  
      "name": "New",  
      "url": "<">,  
      "description": "Special Category that is colored on the front end"  
    // Additional categories...  
  "categoryTypes": \[  
      "categoryTypeID": 1,  
      "categoryName": "Standard",  
      "description": "Regular Colored Instore Category"  
      "categoryTypeID": 2,  
      "categoryName": "Special Color",  
      "description": "Special Category that is colored on the front end"  
    // Additional category types...  

Sample Categories Display:

  • When clicking on a category it makes a offers-short call to our backend that filters to only include the offers that have that specific category.

If you click on the three dots to the right of the categories, then it shows the below screen with all the categories, when clicking on one of them, it makes a call to offers-short with that categoryID