Payments & Billing

You'll find all information regarding when and how to get paid from BitLabs.

Setting Up Payments

To receive payments, you will have to set up your personal information and fill out the payment information through our dashboard. You will also have to agree to the BitLabs Partnership agreement on the dashboard.

When to expect payments?

BitLabs pays publishers on a NET-30 basis. This means that you will receive payments 30 days after the month paid for has ended. For example, your April earnings would be sent on June 1st.

Please note that we can only send payments when the IO has been signed and the payment information is complete.

Minimum Payment Threshold

We do have a minimum payment threshold of $100. You will be paid when your monthly balance exceeds $100. If it doesn't we will add the amounts to the next payment cycle. Please mind that this means $100 after reconciliation deductions. For example, if you have earned $110 dollars in February, but there have been $20 in chargebacks, you will not be paid until you reach $100.

Payment Methods

BitLabs pays publishers through bank wire, PayPal, or cryptocurrencies. You can decide which payment method suits you best, however, different fees may apply. Most likely bank wire will be the cheapest option. We use local bank accounts in your country to transfer the money, as this keeps down your transaction costs and allows earnings to be deposited to your bank account faster.